The New Year is a great time to start focusing on your health and fitness goals. Part of your plan for achieving these goals may include joining a gym, working with a personal trainer or attending fitness classes. While fitness and wellness centers are starting to open up in many areas of the country and some are offering fitness classes, personal training and other fitness activities, you may be concerned about whether it is safe to join or return to these facilities due to the risk for COVID-19 transmission.

When weighing your options, it is important to consider both the risks associated with exercising at an indoor gym and steps you can take to keep yourself safe.

It can be helpful to understand some of the risks associated with exercising at an indoor gym:  

Now that you have a better understanding of the risks, here are some ways to mitigate that risk and keep yourself safe at your fitness facility:

Beginning or maintaining an exercise routine is paramount for both physical and mental health and it is especially important during this health crisis. Make sure you choose a place and format that will best support your health-related goals and level of comfort for safely starting or returning to an active lifestyle.

Exercising at a gym or fitness facility, outdoors, or from the comfort of your home can help maintain a healthy lifestyle, and taking appropriate precautions can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in all settings. What is most important is that you find a way to safely keep moving during these challenging times to stay focused on your health and fitness goals.
